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[M.Ind emblem]Download

M.Ind can be freely downloaded and distributed under the terms of version 3 or later of the GNU General Public License. Please see the Copyright page for (slightly) more information.

· Current Version: β v0.1.0

File Size: 2.7 MB (2669544 bytes)

Format: zip file

Released on: 13 August 2007

· Click here to download

Known bugs

β v0.1.0 does not work well under Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard). At seemingly random times, very large negative numbers can appear in any column of the units table, such as −214748346, −32212254375 or −53687091175. This will cause a message box to pop up on your screen, informing you that the number cannot be converted into type integer. The cause appears to be a change in the way AppleScript works with the table and its data source in 10.5 compared to 10.4, and no solution has yet been found to overcome this (which is part of the reason why there still is no β v0.2.0).

To get the table back the way it is supposed to be, what usually works is to change the number that caused the error. For example, if it occurs while you are adding a special weapon to a unit, either remove the special weapon and add it again, or change the number of special weapons the unit has — chances are that the error will not occur now. It is very likely, however, to crop up again later at an unexpected time, but in a different part of the units table.

This problem does not occur under OS X 10.4 (Tiger), and β v0.1.0 seems to exhibit no bugs under that version.

Source code

File Size: 3.5 MB (3504171 bytes)

Format: gzipped tarball

Released on: 13 August 2007

· Click here to download

· Earlier Versions

α v0.0.1

File Size: 2.6 MB (2567230 bytes)

Format: zip file

Released on: 31 July 2007

· Click here to download

Known bugs

[Screenshot of error warning] You may get the AppleScript error message shown at right when starting the program. What this means is that there are spaces in the name of the folder in which you installed M.Ind; the solution is to simply move the application to a folder whose entire path does not have any spaces in it. (With thanks to Waylon Smart and Dragontigre for reporting this bug.)

This problem was fixed in β v0.1.0. If you want to use α v0.0.1 instead, please use the workaround provided above.

Source code

File Size: 3.5 MB (3463602 bytes)

Format: gzipped tarball

Released on: 31 July 2007

· Click here to download

· Installation

After downloading, unzip the downloaded file by double-clicking on its icon (assuming your web browser does not unzip it automatically). Then drag the M.Ind icon to your Applications folder, or to whichever other folder you want.


Drag the M.Ind icon to the trash. M.Ind does not create any other files on your hard drive, so you don't have to hunt anything else down for manual deletion.

· Speed issues

Please note that M.Ind is not the fastest application in the world. This is largely due to it being written in AppleScript Studio rather than a higher-performance language; to blame for this is mostly my non-grasp of languages such as Objective C, else it would have been made in that.

Still, M.Ind runs well enough that it was easily usable on my old iMac with 1.6-GHz G5 processor and 1.5 GB of memory, though it appeared to be a little faster on my MacBook (2.0-GHz Core Duo and 1 GB). It works at good speed on my current aluminum iMac and MacBook, though, both of which have 2.4-GHz Core 2 Duo processors and 2 GB of memory. Hopefully, it will not be too sluggish for use on a G3 or low-end G4 Mac, but lacking a computer like that for testing, I can't guarantee anything …

· Source code

The source code comes in a gzipped tarball, which you can unpack in OS X by double-clicking on its icon. Alternatively, open a terminal window (on a Mac, this is located in the folder /Applications/Utilities) and use the cd command to go into the directory where you downloaded the tarball — for example, cd ~/Desktop if you downloaded it to your desktop. Once there, type the command tar xzvf M.I then press the Tab key followed by the Return key. This will unpack the tarball as well.

To use the source code, you will probably need Xcode and Interface Builder; these can be downloaded for free from Apple's web site, but are also on the installation DVD that comes with every Mac. They are not installed by default, though, so you will have to put the DVD into your computer and install the Xcode Tools that you will find on it. The current version of M.Ind was made using Xcode 2.4.1 and Interface Builder 2.5.4, but will probably open in earlier versions as well, provided they're not too old.

In order to run the program, your system probably needs to be capable of using AppleScript Studio 1.4 or later.

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