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A template to determine which models are hit by area-effect weapons, similar to the one included in AT-43 Expansion Set 1.

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· Instructions

To use the template you will need to print it out first. It is best to do this on a clear plastic sheet of the kind used with overhead projectors; you should be able to buy this in any stationer's or office supplies store. Be sure to get a type that will work with your printer: if you have an inkjet printer, you must get sheets that the ink will actually stick to, while if you have a laser printer, buy sheets that will not melt and damage your printer. All you then need to do is load a sheet into the printer and print out the template onto it.

The one thing to note here is that you should not let your printer resize the document to fit the page margins! The reason for this is that the items in the document have exact sizes, but if you resize the page to the printer margins, they will usually end up smaller than they are supposed to be. Although the document is A4-size, it should print properly on North American ANSI A (Letter)-size paper as well.

The screenshot below shows a typical print window with the setting to not resize the page highlighted. Other programs will have similar windows and settings, though they may be in different places and have slightly different names, but if you look carefully you should be able to find them easily enough.

[Screenshot of a print window with the option to not resize pages highlighted]


If you laminate the template after printing (or copying), it will be both sturdier and more durable. You may have to experiment a little to find the right setting for the laminating machine—if you get grayish, opaque areas in the laminated sheet, the machine is not warm enough, so increase its temperature a little and feed the sheet through again. If you set it right, the laminating plastic will fuse with the overhead projector sheet and you will end up with a nicely transparent sheet.

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